domingo, 12 de abril de 2009

NIKITA MAGALOFF, an Old Style Pianist

Nikita Magaloff (Born Magalashvili) (21 February 1912 - 26 December 1992) was a Georgian-Russian pianist.
He was born to a Georgian noble family in St. Petersburg. Magaloff and his family left Russia in 1918 for Finland and then Paris, where he studied with Isidor Philipp. He also numbered Ravel and Prokofiev among his friends there.
He was best known for his espousal of the music of Chopin, recording the complete piano works - the first time anyone had done so. While these recordings have been criticised for their failure to plumb the depths of Chopin's works, they were innovative for their textual fidelity and unsentimentality. Magaloff, for example, preferred and recorded Chopin's own manuscript versions of the valses rather than the familiar versions published posthumously by Julian Fontana.
His interpretations of Mendelssohn are also striking, finding a vein of melancholy that is often missed.
Magaloff's playing carried the hallmarks of Philipp's elegant, refined style, though he himself rejected the sentimental interpretations of Philipp's generation (he was especially critical of Paderewski whom he believed had "falsified Chopin"). He once described himself to the critic and writer Piero Rattalino as 'a vieux style pianist'.
His playing, however, underwent a change in his later years, becoming more passionate, daring and challenging. He remarked, in an interview with Eugenio Scalfari "at the age of seventy, I have come to the conclusion that only the sentiment and fear of death can induce an immoderate passion for life." His last recordings bear eloquent tribute to this 'immoderate passion for life'.
In 1949 he took over his friend and colleague Dinu Lipatti’s master class at the Geneva Conservatory after Lipatti’s early death, and continued teaching until 1960. Among his many pupils are the Argentine pianist Martha Argerich, the Italian pianist Maria Tipo, the Polish-Austrian pianist Ingrid Haebler and the organist Lionel Rogg.
Nikita Magaloff was married to Irene, the daughter of the violinist Joseph Szigeti. He died in Vevey on 26 December 1992.
This entry is from Wikipedia, the leading user-contributed encyclopedia. It may not have been reviewed by professional editors (see full disclaimer)




quinta-feira, 2 de abril de 2009

Maxim Vengerov toca Chaconne de Bach em: "Holocaust: A musical memorial film from Auschwitz".

Maxim Vengerov o jovem violinista russo nascido em 20 de Agosto de 1974 e considerado um dos maiores de sua geração, nos dá sua versão apaixonada da Chaconne de Bach.
Talvez por estar inserida dentro de um documentário sobre o Holocausto, Vengerov toca um tom abaixo do original, (Ré menor), o que faz com que o som da peça fique mais dramático.
Sobre o andamento, também toca em menos de 11 minutos, o que os outros grandes violinistas levam mais de 14:00.
Será essa a sua visão jovem da magnífica peça de Bach, ou foi também exigência da produção do filme?
De qualquer modo, aqui está mais uma grande interpretação que merece ser vista e ouvida.

MAXIM VENGEROV - BACH: Chaconne para Violino solo

GIDON KREMER, BACH: Chaconne para Violino Solo, P.1

GIDON KREMER, BACH: Chaconne para Violino Solo, P.2

HEIFETZ, BACH: Chaconne para Violino Solo, P.1

HEIFETZ, BACH: Chaconne para Violino Solo, P.2

PERLMAN, BACH: Chaconne para Violino Solo - P.1

PERLMAN, BACH: Chaconne para Violino Solo - P.2